Financial performance analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by properly establishing the relationship between the items of balance sheet and profit and loss account. It also helps in short-term and long term forecasting and growth can be identified with the help of financial performance analysis.The dictionary meaning of ‘analysis’ is to resolve or separate a thing in to its element or components parts for tracing their relation to the things as whole and to each other.The analysis of financial statement is a process of evaluating the relationship between the component parts of financial statement to obtain a better understanding of the firm’s position and performace.This analysis can be undertaken by management of the firm or by parties outside the namely, owners,creditors,investors.
The analysis of financial statement represents three major steps:
• The first step involves the re-organization of the entire financial data contained the financial statements. Therefore the financial statements are broke down into individual components and re-grouped into few principle elements according to their resemblances and affinities. Thus the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts are completely re-casted and presented in the condensed form entirely different from their original shapeThe second step is the establishment of significant relationships between the individual components of balance sheet and profit and loss account. This is done through the application tools of financial analysis like Ratio analysis, Trend analysis, Common size balance sheet and comparative Balance sheet.
• Finally, the result obtained by means of application of financial tools is evaluated.
• In brief financial analysis is the process of selection, relation and evaluation of financial statements. The tools of analysis are used for determining the investment value of the business, credit rating and for