Evan Olsthoorn
Investment Management
Instructor: Chuck Grace
November 29, 2012
This personalized investment plan provides an outline of my investment goals and objectives, including the strategies I will employ to meet my financial needs for retirement .
Personal Goals
Short Term Goals (22-30 Years of Age)
* Lease a vehicle * Rent an apartment in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada * Work at Guillevin International as a Management Trainee * Maximize contributions to RRSP and TFSA
Medium Term Goals (30-65 Years of Age)
* Lease Vehicles * Get married * Buy a home * Maximize contributions to RRSP and TFSA * Furnish my home * Have 1 Child * Pay For Child’s Education
Long Term Goals (65-95 Years of Age)
* Retirement * Lease a Luxury Vehicle * Move to Florida and buy a place for the remainder of retirement * Leave a legacy
My Retirement Plan Need
* When I retire I would like to have an annual income of $115000 /year before taxes for my 30 year retirement period . I would also like to leave a legacy in the amount of $1.3 Million. (Exhibit #1) * I expect to live until I am 95 years old * I will need to be very disciplined in my retirement plan to meet the goals I have set out and constant reevaluations of this plan will be needed * I will need to have approximately $2.5 Million in my investment accounts when I retire at the age of 65. (Exhibit #1)
Personal Situation
In April 2013, I will graduate with my HBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business. I will begin working at Guillevin International as a Management Trainee starting in May 2013 with a starting salary of $60,000. I will be living without dependents until I expect to be married and have children at the age of 30.
Current Health and Life Expectancy
I consider myself to be above average in health. My diet is extremely clean and I work out 4-5 times