October 10, 2012
The Correlation Between Financial Power And College Students Efficiency Students in our society are greatly influenced by their financial status. There are three different types of social classes: the low class (those who are financially poor), the high class (those who are financially rich) and the middle class (those who lay in between the rich and the poor). The learning behavior of college students in our society is connected to financial power in that the high class tends to act with efficiency in the classroom, the middle class tends to act with mediocre efficiency and lastly the lower class tends to act with low efficiency. Articles such as “Some Lessons From the Assembly Line” by Andrew Braaksma and “The Seven Deadly Sins Of Students” by Thomas H. Benton explain indirectly the correlation between money and the learning behavior. In my opinion, students that come from households of high income are raised in an environment that leads to success in education.
In our society the poor class barely gets the chance to afford higher education. However the ones that managed to pay for College struggle to get through the process with regular grades. In the essay “Some Lessons From The Assembly Line”, Mr. Braaksma wrote: “After working twelve-hour shifts in a factory, the other options have become brutally clear. When I’m back at the University, skipping classes and turning in lazy rewrites seems like a cop-out after seeing what I would be doing without college.” He insinuates to the reader how lazy and inefficient his approach to education was before he realized that College is something to be valued. Most poor people grow up with parents that work and live for financial stability. They are subliminally raised to think that educational learning is a boring occupation. Because poor people usually don’t have the skills that higher education gives a student to perform in a more relevant vocation in our society. Poor people with low education are reactive they wait for things to happen.
High-class students tend to perform remarkably in the classroom. Consequently, they amount several skills through out their education that in the future allows them to gain a high income just like their predecessors. They are usually born in an efficient environment that teaches them the value of education. Rich people see work as their productive vocation and they make things happen by being proactive. The rich take on education as they do on life, with: competiveness and eagerness to be challenge. They also see failure as an opportunity to personal grow, Mr. Anthony Robbins a famous motivational speaker said: “Success is the result of good preparation. Good preparation is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad preparation” (Anthony Robbins). High-class students are ironically the least prideful of the three social classes in our society because they let themselves be lead and as consequence they learn from the process how to be leaders. Another difference that separates high-class students from the rest is that they compensate their moderate lack of pride with self-confidence and determination.
Middle class. Many people who come from middle class working families see their parents working extremely hard for money; they subliminally believe that working hard is the only way to make money. Their perception of money causes them to fail to realize that money is just a result of preparing yourself through education to work with passion and efficiency in your vocation. Thomas H. Benton’s column “the seven deadly sins of students” is a crude but realistic portrayal of today’s college students who are blinded by pride “Pride: I once asked a group of 20 students how many thought they were "better than their parents"? All of them raised their hands. I didn't ask, but I assume they all believed they were better than their teachers too. They would rise higher, be more successful, and transcend the limitations of their elders.” This is an astonishingly clear example of why most middle class students get stuck in the same class as their predecessors
In short, financial power