TABLE OF CONTENT Title | Page No | Letter of Transmittal | 3 | Acknowledgement | 4 | Introduction and Rationale of the study | 6 | Objectives | 6 | Sources of Data | 6 | Methodology | 7 | Findings of the Ratio Analysis | 8 | Liquidity Ratio | 8 | Debt Ratio | 9 | Profitability/Performance | 10 | Activity Ratio | 13 | Market Performance | 18 | Conclusion | 19 | Bibliography | 19 |
Introduction and Rationale of the study
A widely held view is that the growth of the ICT industry may provide an opportunity for developing countries to ‘leapfrog’ into the industrialized economy. For example, low-income economies that have a strong human capital base can take advantage of the rapid decline in the cost of computing power and telecommunication over the last decade that has made it possible to deliver IT service from a remote location. This has led to the emergence of offshore/outsourcing industry, the market of which is expected to reach US$252 billion in 2010. (IGC, 2012)
There is considerable potential for the development of ICT industries in Bangladesh because of the availability of trained personnel at relatively low wage rates. The present government of Bangladesh envisions creating a “Digital Bangladesh” by 2021, which critically depends on proper policies as well as infrastructure development for this sector. However, in order to capture significant gains from the growth of the ICT industry worldwide, policy makers and firms both require a clear understanding of its dynamics. While a cheap and abundant human capital base can explain the early stage of software industry development, improved productivity is required to take advantage of emerging opportunities and carve out a niche in the export of outsourced services.
This Study will examine the financial statement and analysis its financial
Bibliography: Bernstein, J. A., & Wild, J. J. (2004). Analysis of Financial Statements (5th ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. Ed., F. (2012). Financial Ratios. Retrieved 8 2012, 01, from Editor. (2012). Free Dictionary. Retrieved 8 2012, 01, from The Free Dictionary: IGC. (2012). The ICT Sector in Bangladesh. Retrieved 08 2012, 01, from International Growth Center: