The Research and Analysis Project report is written based on the Topic: The business and financial performance of Primark stores limited over the three year period 2007 to 2009. This report highlights more on the operations, strategy, business and financial performance of Primark stores limited. This is written in comparison to one of its competitors, BHS Limited.
The reason why I have chosen this topic is that, as a student accountant, business and financial analysis is very important as it will widen my understanding of financial analysis of companies. I will be coming across them on the practise field and that I should be able to analyse them without any difficulty.
More so companies want to have a deep understanding of where their business is leading to and so tend to rely on their business and financial performance analysis. This will help them to recognise their strengths and weaknesses and not only that but also the opportunities and threats which lie ahead of them. It will also help companies forecast ahead of time based on the historical financial analysis made. In this way companies will be able to propose healthy strategies in the sustenance of their company warranting an uninterrupted growth in both sales and profitability.
Being a guideline in analysing the financial situation of a company, this analysis is also relevant and critical in modern day business worldwide as it outlines the complete image of the company in question.
Being one of the most popular clothing retail stores Primark stores limited has gotten into the media in both good and bad name.
As a low cost-focus giant in the clothing industry, Primark stores limited has been attracting a very large market in the United Kingdom. Despite its low cost, it is also criticized on its low quality standard as compared to its competitors like Marks and Spenser, BHS and Debenhams.
With these high valued