Often in business we need capital. Of course, this capital can be borrowed from banks or institutions other than banks. Of course, with borrowing on financial institutions other than banks will be charged a higher interest rate.
The following definitions explain some of the institutions other than banks which cover several fields, namely:
a. Leasing (Leasing)
b. Venture Capital
c. Factoring (factoring)
d. Business Credit Card
e. Consumer Financing (consumers finance)
a. Leases (Leasing)
The word actually comes from the word lease to lease, which shall mean renting. Leasing as a type of activity can be said is new or young in the activities carried out in Indonesia, which is just used in 1974. In Indonesia alone there are already some leasing companies whose status as a non-bank financial institutions.
Leasing function actually almost level with the banks, namely as a source of medium term financing (from one year to five years). Until now there is no specific law governing leasing. However, the practice of leasing business has grown rapidly, and to anticipate the need for a law to have a clear and definite grip.
b. Venture Capital (Venture Capital)
Officially there is a new venture capital institutions in Indonesia since the Presidential Decree No. 61 of 1988 on the financing institution, which shall be further regulated by decree of the Minister of Finance Number 1251/KMK.013/1988 About rules and procedures for financial institutions. The above provisions are the foundation for a strong side and is the only implementation of existing regulations for investors (investors) who wish to do business or the business.
What is meant by venture capital firms (venture capital company) is a business entity that conducts activities in the form of equity financing to a company 's business partner (invester company) for a specified period.
While the definition of enterprise business partners (PPU)
Bibliography: http://businessreview-article.blogspot.in/2010/12/financing-institutions-other-than-banks.html http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lease.asp http://accountlearning.blogspot.in/2012/04/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-leasing.html | | https://www.boundless.com/finance/obtaining-capital-methods-of-long-term-financing/venture-capital-detail/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-vc-financing/ http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/factoring http://www.icicibank.com/Personal-Banking/cards/commercial-cards/businesscards/index.html http://www.360financialliteracy.org/Topics/Credit-and-Debt/Credit-Cards/Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-Credit-Cards http://www.investorwords.com/6767/consumer_finance.html http://goarticles.com/article/Advantages-and-disadvantages-with-consumer-loans/5180042/