Today I asked my dad if he would take a drive with me and to trust me. He agreed but had that look in his face as if I was about to do something bad. We got in the car and I gave him my phone he looked at me puzzled and asked what’s going on. All I said to do was keep driving. As we drove off I realized that the streets we were passing were new and unknown by me or my dad. I looked out my window and saw a dense tree line I asked to stop and said to my dad to be at this exact spot in three hours. He said to be careful and drove off. I picked up a rock and placed it in between a tree that seemed to be struck by lightning straight down the middle. I did this so I could tell where the meeting spot would be when I returned. This was the only time I have ever walked into a forest by myself without a way to communicate with the outside world. My first thought was fear then it was adventure. What would I find inside this brand new world. My watch said that it was 1 o’clock in the afternoon I set my watch for an hour an half so I could give myself enough time to walk back in time. As I took my first step into the forest I felt the crunch of a branch as my shoe broke it into two. I looked down and picked the separate sticks on one of the sticks was a green leaf on the other was a dead brown one and I tried to fit them together but no matter how hard I tried they just wouldn’t stay. I put them in my back pocket thinking to myself maybe they would come in handy later for this project. I decided to walk in an exact line with the sun so that I wouldn’t get lost in the dense forest. While walking I thought about this project and what to write and how to write it but I decided I shouldn’t worry about it and engulf myself in the natural world. While this thought passed through my mind I turned around and couldn’t see the road. I tried not to panic but the thought of getting lost and stuck out here stuck in my brain like a sticker. And then I heard that
Today I asked my dad if he would take a drive with me and to trust me. He agreed but had that look in his face as if I was about to do something bad. We got in the car and I gave him my phone he looked at me puzzled and asked what’s going on. All I said to do was keep driving. As we drove off I realized that the streets we were passing were new and unknown by me or my dad. I looked out my window and saw a dense tree line I asked to stop and said to my dad to be at this exact spot in three hours. He said to be careful and drove off. I picked up a rock and placed it in between a tree that seemed to be struck by lightning straight down the middle. I did this so I could tell where the meeting spot would be when I returned. This was the only time I have ever walked into a forest by myself without a way to communicate with the outside world. My first thought was fear then it was adventure. What would I find inside this brand new world. My watch said that it was 1 o’clock in the afternoon I set my watch for an hour an half so I could give myself enough time to walk back in time. As I took my first step into the forest I felt the crunch of a branch as my shoe broke it into two. I looked down and picked the separate sticks on one of the sticks was a green leaf on the other was a dead brown one and I tried to fit them together but no matter how hard I tried they just wouldn’t stay. I put them in my back pocket thinking to myself maybe they would come in handy later for this project. I decided to walk in an exact line with the sun so that I wouldn’t get lost in the dense forest. While walking I thought about this project and what to write and how to write it but I decided I shouldn’t worry about it and engulf myself in the natural world. While this thought passed through my mind I turned around and couldn’t see the road. I tried not to panic but the thought of getting lost and stuck out here stuck in my brain like a sticker. And then I heard that