Multicultural Education
Finding Nemo is an animated film about a clown fish named Nemo who learns that growing up with a disability does not restrict capability of participating in society. The film was released in 2003 and is comedy-drama adventure film by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie takes place in the ocean near Australia. Marlin and Coral, Nemo’s parents find themself admiring their new clutch of eggs when a barracuda attacks, knocking Marlin unconscious. He wakes up to find all but one of the eggs gone, and names him Nemo. Nemo develops a smaller right fin as a result of damage to his egg during the attack. Main characters in the film include Marlin, a widowed and Nemo’s over protective father. Dory is friendly fish that suffers from short-term memory loss. Bruce, Anchor and Chum the sharks that look after Nemo and his friends. Additionally, Gill and the Tank Gang a group of misfits that together with Nemo conduct a plan to escape back to the ocean. The theme of the movie explains how each of the character is set to deal with some kind of disability or disorder and how each of them is set to resolve or go along with it. Nemo learns to understand that belief in oneself can overcome almost any condition. Marlon, his father, learns to trust his son, and not capitulate to his fears. The belief in self and the trust in others emerge from the film. Furthermore, the strength of community that comes together to help each other. The animal kingdom works together in helping Marlon reunite with Nemo. Diversity is reflected in this film in varies ways. Race and diversity are portraying by the different characters in the story. The accent, body features, attitudes and looks are identified as diverse. For example, many of the characters have accents that show their diversity, with most of the characters having American accents. We can compare this to today’s society being a majority of English speaking. Throughout the