Becoming an accredited X-ray technician is a right step to not only getting a good job but also giving service to the community. X Ray technician schools offer programs ranging from bachelor’s degree (takes up to 4 years to complete) and an associate degree (takes up to 2 years to accomplish), diplomas and certificates (takes over a year to finish). At present X Ray technician jobs are all over with a great demand; not only hospitals are in the market for technicians, laboratories that carry out diagnosis and also physician centers are in the market shopping for the same. To become an X Ray technician you obviously will need to go through school first to get the necessary training. Finding X Ray technician …show more content…
schools near can be done both online, or by physically going out and looking/asking around.
Before settling for a school, you should always ensure that it is nationally or if possible, internationally accredited.
You do not want to enroll in an institution, finish the rigorous course, get out on the job market but never get a job simply because the institution has never been accredited at all to offer the course.
Since X Ray technician curriculum is wide get to know if the coursework offered is wide enough. The curriculum offered can include a course in breast imaging, diagnostic imaging research, radiographic positioning, chest radiology, cardiovascular radiology, fluoroscopy imaging, human anatomy physiology among others. Knowing what you want to specialize in the course, will certainly come in handy in your selection process for a X Ray technician school. Note though, that if you are able to specialize in more than two types of imaging, the chances of landing employment are high.
Let’s be frank, not all schools will admit every Tom, Dick and Harry. An admission criterion automatically varies from institution to institution. The admission to either the associate degree, bachelor’s degree, diploma or certificate program will also vary in that same institution. For example, a degree admission requirement will be higher than a diploma’s or certificate’s requirement. After looking at your grades, you should now be at a position to select a school and a program that you are eligible
The fees charged will also depend on the institution and the type of program you enroll for. Knowing to what extent your available financial resources can comfortably cater for your education, will help you decide on the school and program. Those who do struggle financially will most likely go for the shorter courses, and build their careers from that point. But those who have enough financial resources may prefer to just go for a longer course since they can comfortably sponsor themselves through all the years.
Many institutes out there can offer the X Ray technician courses, but settling on the best technician school near you will require you to exhaust all the available options at your disposal. Go through all the schools you can and see if there are also online programs available. After carefully considering the admission requirements, the coursework offered, the fee structure among other factors, you can now make a sound decision.