From the numbers we computed, Transport Solutions could roughly see how well each business is doing just by looking at the ratios. The ratios are separated into six categories, with each category showing a different measure. These categories are liquidity measures, long-term solvency measures, cash and asset management measures, market value measures, the DuPont analysis and lastly the internal and sustainable growth. The liquidity measure is also known as short-term solvency. As the name suggests, short-term solvency ratios are intended to provide information about a firm’s liquidity. The primary concern in the firm’s ability to pay without undue stress, its bills that become payable in the short term. Consequently, these ratio focuses on current assets and current liabilities. Long-term solvency ratio is intended to address the firm’s long-run ability to meet its obligations or financial leverage. These ratios are sometimes called financial leverage ratios. Assets management measures are sometimes called asset utilization ratios. The specific ratios are intended to measure is how efficiently, or intensively, a firm uses its assets to
From the numbers we computed, Transport Solutions could roughly see how well each business is doing just by looking at the ratios. The ratios are separated into six categories, with each category showing a different measure. These categories are liquidity measures, long-term solvency measures, cash and asset management measures, market value measures, the DuPont analysis and lastly the internal and sustainable growth. The liquidity measure is also known as short-term solvency. As the name suggests, short-term solvency ratios are intended to provide information about a firm’s liquidity. The primary concern in the firm’s ability to pay without undue stress, its bills that become payable in the short term. Consequently, these ratio focuses on current assets and current liabilities. Long-term solvency ratio is intended to address the firm’s long-run ability to meet its obligations or financial leverage. These ratios are sometimes called financial leverage ratios. Assets management measures are sometimes called asset utilization ratios. The specific ratios are intended to measure is how efficiently, or intensively, a firm uses its assets to