Both Fiorina and Trump agree that Foreign issues need to be dealt with right away for the safety of the United States. Fiorina wants to rebuild the U.S. military and also the 6th fleet. She also wants to arm the cruds to eliminate isis and have no deals with Russia or Iran on nuclear cooperation unless we can come in and inspect there phosilities. Trump hasn’t said much about what his plans are on this topic, but says he wants renegotiate our trade deals with other country’s as well as our military deals with them. He also comes out and says he wants to make our military stronger and bigger than it is
Both Fiorina and Trump agree that Foreign issues need to be dealt with right away for the safety of the United States. Fiorina wants to rebuild the U.S. military and also the 6th fleet. She also wants to arm the cruds to eliminate isis and have no deals with Russia or Iran on nuclear cooperation unless we can come in and inspect there phosilities. Trump hasn’t said much about what his plans are on this topic, but says he wants renegotiate our trade deals with other country’s as well as our military deals with them. He also comes out and says he wants to make our military stronger and bigger than it is