a. Please describe the information you think would need to analyze each issue and provide advice to the Election Commissioner.
1). Due to the political nature of the lawsuit I would want to gather background information from the Elections Commissioner, any attorney’s involved, and news stories, and legal documents pertaining to the case. These documents will help me get a better understanding of the nature of the lawsuit and what impact the lawsuit could have on the proposed elections equipment upgrades. Second, I would need to find out what type of equipment the elections commission is proposing. Some governments have discussed using …show more content…
Imagine you’re hired and given the Fire District as a department assignment. The Fire District has a separate legal budget apart from the rest of the County budget. The District is primarily funded with property taxes. In the financial forecast, which projects actual revenues and expenses for 2015-2020, deficits are projected in each year. By the end of the forecast, the deficits are so steep that the District is projected to become insolvent, meaning it will not have enough funds to cover its expenses.
The forecast is based on maintaining 12 fire stations at the same staffing levels that are presently used. The forecast includes the following projections: slow growth in property tax values, modest pay increases for staff, increases in material costs, and the District’s scheduled vehicle/equipment replacement plan.
The County Manager has directed the Public Safety Director to create a task force to prepare recommendations to get the District out of financial straits. As the assigned budget analyst, you’ve been asked to prepare background financial information and do some preliminary analysis for the group’s first meeting to help the task force members understand the issue and its …show more content…
Additionally, an overview of the areas of growth in the Fire District and a visual representation of fires in the District. Having access to reports and statistics about acceptable response time for different types of calls and how the county ranks in different key indicators would be helpful. I would also search for county fire districts that have mutual aid agreements with the municipalities, there might be a more efficient way to partner with city owned fire departments and reduce the need for fire stations and personal. Finally, I would want to research any other revenue streams that may be available such as grants or partnerships with private businesses.
b. Please describe two to three specific examples of data analysis you would want to prepare for the group’s first meeting to help them understand the issues.
The first data analysis I would want to prepare is call volume per station. This should help the taskforce understand how many fires each station responds to each year and were resources could be shifted or eliminated.
Another type of data analysis I would use is projected of personal changes for the district. For example, what percentage of personnel will retire in the next few years? How will those projected retirements alter personnel changes? Could the district offer early retirement to some senior level