Fire Safety Induction Training Book This booklet should be introduced to new employees on their first day of employment.
Section 1: is a checklist of those facts and features that you should be shown on your first day by your line manager Section 2: is a self learning package, you should complete it during your first month of employment Section 3: is a check of understanding and should be handed to your line manager within one month of the start of your employment
Initial issue: Insert Date
Fire Safety Induction Booklet for GP Practices and other small stand alone Healthcare Premises
Section 1: First Day Checklist Title and address of premises to which this document is relative: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Employee: Name………………………………………..Date…………………………. You should be shown, or have explained, the following by your Line Manager FIRE INSTRUCTIONS…………………………………….. TELEPHONE NUMBER TO CALL FIRE BRIGADE…… FIRE ALARM CALL POINTS…………………………….. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS…………………………………… LOCATION OF FIRE EXITS……………………………… LOCATION OF ASSEMBLY AREA………………………
Name of Manager Signature of employee Date……………………..
Fire Safety Induction Booklet for GP Practices and other small stand alone Healthcare Premises
Section 2: Self learning package
In order for a fire to occur, three elements need to be present:HEAT, FUEL & OXYGEN
These three elements are often described as ‘The triangle of fire’ and if the three elements are allowed to come together, there is the potential for a fire to occur.
Oxygen is generally always present, the other two elements however vary
depending on the environment. In your working environment fuel is present in four types or groups:
Solid fuel Paper Cardboard Textiles Furnishings Liquid fuel Alcohol gel Oils Paints Surgical spirits Electrical Computers Televisions Cooking appliances Lighting Gaseous