Gun violence in America is not at all as bad as it is in Sierra Leone and other countries with war and little law enforcement as we read about in the book a long way gone. In the book the main character Ishmael discovers that America is not at all like he heard through rap songs. When he moves to America and tells his story of being a soldier and killing people the people he talks to about it think that it is cool and Ishmael states in the book “violence in America is romanticized. I do agree with this statement that we do make war look easy and fun through movies and video games. We do not understand what it is like to be in a war and witness killing and bloodshed every day.…
Every program or policy starts with a problem in need of a solution, and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act is no different. The need for change was very simply justified: violent crimes are most often committed with a handgun. (DOJ, 1995) More outstanding however, in the case of the Brady act, was the specific assault against president Reagan and the crippling of James Brady. Similarly, the earlier Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968 was precipitated by the high-profile assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Against this justifiable backdrop the gun control activitists launched campaigns to help regulate firearms nationwide.…
In this article, Robert suggests about the curb gun violence legislation. Robert Luther Ⅲ who is a counsel and senate committee on the judiciary, also he is a professor of a law school. The author uses psychology, political and sociology those three perspectives to advise how to control gun violence from mental illness. Although Robert’s article uses specific legislation technical term which is confusing for the nonprofessional reader, he presents a strong argument by his detailed example case study and by logical order for the article.…
Do you think it is appropriate whether people should own a handgun or not? The article “The Accessibility of Guns Protects Lives” by David M. Huntwork and “The Accessibility of Guns Lead to Gun Crime” by Alan M. Ruben both have significant perspectives regarding if it is secure or hazardous to own a firearm. There can be a debate of whether guns can protect our lives or can lead to gun crimes.…
Every time there is a tragic event such as a mass shooting, the idea of gun control becomes the number one topic of discussion. Many forms of gun control have been the result of a tragic event. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, for example, is a result of the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, which left James Brady with disabilities for the remainder of his life. Another example of post tragedy ideas for gun control came as the result of the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. These would include expanding and strengthening the current background check system, as well as instituting federal laws against gun trafficking. Congresswoman Giffords would also like to receive federal funding to research the “Cause and Impact of Gun Violence”.…
Gun violence in Canada and America are often compared, both countries allow citizens to own guns to a certain extent. Michael Moore who stars in “Bowling for Columbine” talks about how the two countries are so similar but gun violence isn't a problem in Canada. Within the movie, Michael goes house to house in a canadian city called toronto unlocking people's front doors, after hearing multiple responses he discovered that most Canadians aren't worried about intruders. The news and media do not betray violence as a main topic, resulting in people feeling safe and being able to trust their Government. In Canada there is no legal right saying citizens are allowed to carry guns or own automatic weapons, handguns. Hunting and target practice are the main reasons someone would buy a gun in Canada, a recent survey shows ninety five percent of citizens own long guns and only twelve percent own handguns. Transportation of guns is also very limited in Canada, certain permits showing where and why you're carrying the weapon have to be on hand at all times. All guns must be registered with proper documents to ensure safety.…
The scholarly article “Gun Shows and Gun Violence: Fatally Flawed Study Yields Misleading Results” first appeared in the magazine American Journal of Public Health in 2010. It was co-written by Garen Wintemute, David Hemenway, Daniel Webster, Glenn Pierce, and Anthony Braga. In their Journal entry they aim to convince their readers that the widely publicized case study “The Effect of Gun Shows on Gun-Related Deaths: Evidence from California and Texas” is a bunch of nonsense. “We believe the study is fatally flawed”. Toulmin’s Model, along with the three appeals to argument, are techniques frequently applied by the authors used to create their convincing argument.…
I agree with your perspective regarding our mental health care system. Gun violence's are typically "crimes of passion" and unfortunately, the lack of mental health resources is a huge issue. We have all heard of the unfortunate stories of family members desperately trying to get their loved ones, in a psychiatric crisis, help to no avail. Sadly, both our mental health care system and our gun control system is inadequate due to lack of interest or concern and tragically there are cases when both systems fail (Knopf, 2014). Although, we are aware of the issues, there are still several questions that still need answering. First of all, is there evidence that if an individual is treated appropriately would this advert a tragic event (Knopf,…
Every time I look around someone is dying. Its so crazy how close this topic is to me. I chose this topic on a Tuesday and on the very next day (Wednesday) a close friend of mine was shot and killed. So as I write his Essay I can't help but to think about him, his name was Alex Bland 21yr old. From the years of 2002-2006, 687 Chicago youth were killed by guns, and firearms are used in 10 out of 14 murder-suicide in Illinois. In 2005 71% (435) of the homicides and 36% (164) of suicides were committed with firearm from close by Counties.…
They’re many different biased opinions related to the topic of public policy and gun control. Many would argue that gun control doesn’t follow public policy in a “normal” route. “Normal” being shocking incidents or crises that draw public attention and media coverage which in turn draw a debate on one or more aspects of the issue wither it be a philosophical, regulatory, constitutional, or technical aspect. Following this, investigations that would result in an actual change in public policy to further prevent or at least deter another reoccurrence of this action. The shooting of Unites States Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the massacre at the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre are two examples of incidents that should have led to the investigation of the downside of the current public policy with gun control. The debate of deciphering the 2nd amendment has and will always be an ongoing debate. While various federal laws have been enacted since 1934 to promote the regulation of firearms, each fifty states still have different laws according to the severity of restrictions condoned by citizens, and placed by the legislators. They’re then the plethora of laws that decipher the use and possession of these firearms.…
”Nearly three weeks after the latest mass shooting claimed the lives of nine people, 52% of Americans now oppose stricter gun control laws, 6 percentage points more than the 46% of Americans who support such laws.”(diamond,2015).In the past year, there has been many shootings. If the guns are taken away, some of these could have been solved but that’s only solving one problem. Taking them isn’t helping the helpless people that can’t defend themselves without them.…
Gun violence is one main thing that tears families apart. Crazy, non-educated people roam the streets with dangerous weapons killing people and causing tragedies. Society would have done better if only police had the access to weapons and guns instead of civilians and criminals, although they could be confiscated. Gun violence incidents have been happening for a very long time, most of the time without a reason. Shootings, robberies, etc. all include the use of a weapon like a gun. These things happen every day. For example, if someone is trying/planning on killing someone, they won’t be able to do that without a weapon. Guns are meant for self-defense, people like gangsters don’t use them the way they’re supposed to be used, but why? Using them not the right way will get them in trouble and do nothing but get them thrown in jail, just use guns in the proper form, for self-defense, not homicidal kills. It is important to always stay cautious of your…
“I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it (Eastwood). Statistics are proving that we need to prevent gun violence and get rid of all access to all guns. In this country, anybody can get a gun, statistics prove gun violence is increasing, we need to prevent gun violence. Banning guns completely will make America safe again. Every day, 306 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention. Every day, 90 people die from gun violence: 31 are murdered. 56 kill themselves (Key Gun Violence Statistics). Private gun ownership should be banned.…
Since the inception of firearms, people have been wielding all types of arms and ammunitions against each other in order to injure or kill their opponent. In the modern world, this violence is unwarranted and goes against everything society stands for. Nowhere else is gun violence most prevalent than in the United States of America. Because of the Constitution, Americans have had the right to bear arms since 1776. When the Constitution was drafted, the term “arms” meant nothing more than a musket or perhaps small one-shot pistol. However, as arms and ammunition have evolved much like any other technology, their capacity to accurately kill humans has increased. So much so that one firearm can be used to kill many people…
Gun control is a huge political topic and it is often debated whether gun control policies should be more lenient or more restrictive to better protect citizens. An innumerable amount of research has been conducted to find a solution to the debates concerning gun control and gun violence. Researchers have found that some states with stricter gun laws have experienced higher crime rates, while other states have experienced a decline in crime rates. It is strenuous to determine the exact deterrence level that strict gun laws have on levels if violent crimes without it being controversial or bias.…