Oxidanți produc oxigen necesar pentru a arde amestecul dintre agenții de reducere și pentru a excita atomii emițători de lumină.
Diferiti oxidanti sunt folositi in producerea pulberei negre si a stelelor. Oxidantii frecvent utilizati sunt nitrati, clorati si perclorati. Agentii reducatori sulf si carbon se combina cu oxigenul de la oxidare pentru a produce energe exploziei.
The most commonly used oxidizers are nitrates, the major component of black powder. Nitrates are composed of nitrate ions (NO3-) with metal ions. The most common oxidizer is potassium nitrate, which decomposes to potassium oxide, nitrogen gas, and oxygen gas.
Oxidantii utilizati cel mai frecvent sunt nitratii, componenta majora a pulberii negre. Nitratii sunt compusi din ioni nitrati (NO3-) cu ioni metalici. Oxidantul cel mai comun este azotatul de potasiu care se ddescompune in oxid de potasiu, azot, oxigen/
When reacting, nitrates release two of their three oxygen atoms. Because the oxidation does not result in the release of all available oxygen, the reaction is not as vigorous as that of other oxidizers and is more controlled. This is why nitrates are used as the major component of black powder. In fireworks their main purpose is to provide the initial thrust to power the package into the sky and to ignite