First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person. It is an immediate and temporary care given to an injured person
First aider
A non-expert but trained individual who performs an immediate and temporary care to a victim. The role of the first aider stops when a physician arrives in the scene.
Are sudden, unexpected event that causes harm to the body and livelihood, if not death.
Flood Safety Precautions
Before: * Recognize environmental clues such as heavy rains and flood history of the region * Elevation of the region * Learn First aid and CPR at your local Red Cross Chapter * Keep a battery-operated flashlight * Learn evacuation routes * Keep vehicle fueled
During Floods: * Avoid areas subject to sudden flooding. * Do not attempt to cross a stream where water is above your knees. * Do not try to drive over a flooded road. * Do not try to drive around police barricades * Stay away from drains and ditches
After Flood * Do not eat fresh food that has come in contact with flood water * Boil drinking water before using. * Report broken gas, electrical and water line immediately. * Do not sightsee. * Cooperate with local officials
Earthquake Safety Precautions
Before: * Be sure both new and old buildings meet earthquake construction requirements * Do not put heavy artwork, mirrors or shelves over beds * Keep cell phones charged * Set up family meeting location in a safe area * Teach family members basic first aid
During: * Immediately seek a safe location such as doorway, beneath a table or desk * Cover head to minimize injury * If cooking, turn off the stove * If outdoors, stay in an open area. * If driving, stop and stay in the vehicle * Stay calm
After: * Be prepared for aftershocks *