The first amendment was written by James Madison, who was nicknamed “The Father of the Constitution.” In the first amendment, Madison wrote about 5 freedoms, which are the freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and the right to petition against the government. The First Amendment is about our having certain rights that the government cannot take away from any of us. It gives everyone the freedom to basically do whatever he or she wants regarding personal expression. The federal government is unable to make any laws that restrict any of our freedoms. Because many people have different beliefs, the government cannot penalize anyone for what he or she believes in, or many people would get into fights and people could get out of control.
If I had the choice to change this amendment or keep it the same, I would most definitely keep it the same. This amendment should stay the same because it gives us the freedom to do whatever we want. It gives freedom of speech, …show more content…
There have been far too many tragedies happening just this year. People think it is acceptable to go out and use weapons to hurt, or even kill people. I feel that it is acceptable to own weapons for hunting purposes, but it is unnecessary to use weapons against people unless you are protecting your country. I believe that there would be many more people living if we were not allowed to have weapons unless they are being used for hunting, military, or police reasons. The only reason that I would leave the second amendment unchanged would be for our own self defense and to feel