I would deal with this incident by first checking if Annie is still in critical condition and still fitting I would then protect her from getting any injuries by removing objects that are nearby. I would then cushion her head so she doesn’t get any head injuries. The next thing I would do is check there breathing if so I would calmly and gently put them in the recovery position this is only if the seizure has finished.
Step by step
1. Step one I would assess the area this means taking in the environment and making sure you’re not putting yourself in danger as well as the casualty that needs help. This also includes checking if they are in danger like in the case Annie is in the kitchen so is she near the oven hot pans or …show more content…
I would then check the time and if it’s then been longer than 5 minutes then I would call for help. While I do this I would then look for a medical bracelet or even an id card this will continue all information about there medical back ground and could even give you instructions on what to do when someone’s having seizure.
4. Once the service user stops or in this case Annie you will then put her in the recovery position which is split up into another few steps. The first step checking the air ways to check if the service user is breathing. Once the person is in the recover position stay with them and continue to reassure them until help arrives. A number one rule with an incident like this is to never restrain them or put anything in their mouths.
How would you priorities your actions and …show more content…
Moreover could this seizure have been avoided? In response to this Annie could have seen people to talk out her emotions and this could have decreased the chance of it happening that’s if Annie seizures are not common. Another concern is that the service user was alone; the following up question has to be how independent Annie is in her life and how much help does she actually get to what she actually needs. Staff should have been in the kitchen with Annie for health and safety reasons the staff as a part of regulation should have been with Annie at the time of this incident. My response would be to set regular training for the employees to take extra care with some people but also to be aware of whose in the kitchen at all times. The staff should be aware on all the medication that is given so like the time and hour so they know when the next dose is. Even the medical history of Annie. This can be rectified by making sure all records are up to date. Medication can have