I dreaded the alarm that woke me up at 6:30 in the morning. It was as loud as a screaming toddler that could be heard for miles. I groggily got out of bed and got ready for my first day of school. It was a weird feeling not putting on a uniform like I had been for the past nine years, but I also enjoyed that freedom. The nervousness became more and more intense as I could closer and closer to campus. When we arrived, I got out of the car, and watched my dad drive off to go take my younger sister to school. There was no going back now; I had no other choice than to walk through those doors. I felt like my throat was in my stomach. I noticed some familiar faces, and I walked towards them. While I was approaching my friends, a senior, facing toward me, walked passed. He must have been at least six feet tall, which was incredibly intimidating for me at just over five feet. I was not used to the fact that I’d potentially have classes with these giants. Additionally, the array of new teachers, and having to learn all of their teaching styles and things they did or did not tolerate was hard in…
Coming to Randolph-Macon put me in culture shock. Where I am from it is common for students from both public and private schools to go to college for the first week or…
My cousin, Kim picked me up one weekend and took me to Philadelphia for the weekend. While I was in Philadelphia we went to museums and I tried an authentic Philly cheese steak. I was overwhelmed with excitement that my cousin came to pick me for the weekend that it was my favorite part of my six weeks. Although the program was supposed to be a glimpse of what college is going be like in the fall, that the experience was a terrible example of what college would be like. I learned what people I want to be around and what people I do not while I was in Maryland. Although this is not the type of program that I want to do in the future however, I learned that I am capable of making decisions without the help of my…
In the winter of 2014 I had just finished my first set of four classes in my sophomore year in high school and I was beginning to start my next set of four classes. I truly loathe this because I felt insecure because…
The day I left for ASU was in 9th May. I was so excited because I could start my college life. The flight to Arizona was at 4:15 pm. I woke up at 8 am to pick up all my stuff to my luggage and call a car to take me to the airport. After two hours later, my parents, they woke up and prepared the dinner for me. The food were very delicious. The car arrives at 1:00 pm. I arrived at airport at 1:45 pm. The airliner took off on time. In the meantime, I carried the fear of unknown further because everything was unpredictable. How is the ASU? How is the class? How is my dorm room? How is my room? How is class? All the thing about the collage could not stop running through my brain. After 16 hours, I finally arrive at AZ. The first feeling when I…
It was time to walk to my class. I anxiously walked up the stairs and when I arrived to class, there were only a few students sitting down that I did not know. I sat there patiently waiting for other students to show up. The time came and the professor showed up. My first impressions of her were that she was a middle-aged woman and was very friendly and helpful.…
One day, while I was laying peacefully on my bed, my mother came in with a letter from Florida A&M University. I didn't really want to speculate anything because a few days before I received a letter from another college saying that I wasn't accepted. Nevertheless I was still excited when I opened it and even more so when I read that I had been accepted. So without much hesitation I packed up and headed to Tallahassee. When I arrived my mother and I took care of registration and a plethora of things you have to manage as a new student. After all the hassles of college registration were completed my mother departed for home and I was left by myself to attend college. What a great feeling! Little did I know what I had on store for the next day, my first in college.…
Matthew Arnold uses many literary techniques to make Dover Beach such a prominent and well-known poem. By rhetorical schemes, tropes, and imagery, Arnold demonstrates a theme that can connote many different ideas. However by analyzing this poem, I interpreted Dover Beach to be about Christianity.…
ten-minute walk from my apartment, and on the first day of class I arrived early,…
It was a beautiful summer day at the beginning of my senior year. Students were anxious to meet their teachers and begin the last year of their high school career. There were those excited to graduate that knew exactly what they wanted to do with their life. Then there were those like me who had no idea what college they would be attending the following year. I knew I wanted to go to college, but I had no idea which one I wanted to attend or what my major would be. After I arrived that morning, I walked into the crowded hallway of my 4A public school on my way to my first and hardest class, pre-calculus AP. I was one of the last ones to enter the classroom and had no other choice but to sit next to my ex-best friend. It was already a bad day. Once the bell rang, Mr. Rogers, an older teacher with gray hair and big circular glasses, stood in front of the classroom and began teaching our first lesson. Within five minutes of the lesson, I was already lost. Once he turned around to see if anyone had questions, I was the first one to raise my hand.…
My first day that I had walked onto campus I didn’t know what to expect, I had no idea where anything…
First day of classes, I remember putting on my most professional attire and taking a look in the mirror. I had no doubt, this campus was the place for me to be. When I was brought in the International Center office to learn about my new job, as I shook hands and made eye contact with the staff members, I felt welcomed, I felt that 5,164 miles from home, were insignificant. The job itself, thought me many things professionally, and gave me the chance to interact with hundreds of international students from across the globe.…
My first day was an okay day; there weren't so many kids there because the senior’s juniors and sophomores didn't have school that day. My first thought about school was that, I didn't want school to start yet because it was still summer. I was a little nervous at first but when I got there I was fine. I went to all my classes and I thought wow this is going to be hard. I got lost a couple of times because it was a big school and I was new. Then the day after that everybody was here at school and it was very crowed I could barely get to class on time. The first week of high school was pretty easy because we didn’t have a lot to do.…
The first day was not like I had planned. First things first, upperclassmen do not like freshmen. Nobody actually sings in between classes or during a basketball game. There is no such thing as a Troy Bolten. He was no where in sight the whole first day. My new impression of high school was nothing like before; looking at the school was like looking at a jail.…
As of today, August 30th, I, Blah blah blah, took the initiative to explore the entire campus. Today, the temperature could have possibly been right at about 93 degrees, and I decided to walk around this gigantic campus to waste time before my next class. During orientation week, I missed the campus tours because I was too busy sleeping my day away. So, what other way to compensate for lost time than to take my very own campus tour? Initially, I intended to look for the art buildings, but the best thing I discovered after my journey today happened to be the fact that the art buildings were being reconstructed. Just my luck. However, I did find the Knight Physics building which happens to be absolutely gorgeous. I also happened to stumble across the school’s arbortorium. I felt like I was walking through a jungle with my combat boots on and the leaves hovering above my head. I walked around in a circle and found my way to the school of law. The school of law is literally like its own kingdom within the campus. The students had their own law shirts, and the windows of the classroom even had curtains to block the sun out. I know curtains are a pretty simplistic observation, but I could not help but to find that fascinating! I have failed to sit in any classroom that had panels to block the sun. Only in the law school at the University of .... As I walked away from the law school, I made my way towards the UC area and back around towards the Rat. Passing the vivacious students lounging with their friends, I hiked around the lake under the scorching sun wishing that I had a bottle of water, a hat, and maybe even some sun glasses. The heat was pretty unbearable. Passing between the Hecht and Stanford towers, I ventured towards the school of architecture. That is one white building. I expected it to be more lavish in its exterior design seeing that it is the school of architecture. I walked past the school of architecture and head…