
First Impressions In The Play 'Sure Thing' By David Ives

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First Impressions In The Play 'Sure Thing' By David Ives
Yana Horowitz
Professor Daniel Creed
ENG 1102
25 March 2016
The Importance of a First Impression
In “Sure thing”, a play written by David Ives, the author shows how meeting someone can have different impressions based on conversation. Unfortunately, people usually judge each other based on what they see outside. It's never good to hide who is your true self, but based on modern world situations, sometimes it is better to be a better version of yourself. All humans like to judge others. They critique looks, financial situation and even favorite hobbies. The wrong clothes or certain type of makeup turns them away without even trying to find out the other’s person inner soul. Based on certain answers, the person can change his or her first opinion,
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They met in a coffee shop. Betty was reading and Bill tried to approach her. Their first conversation was very short. The male character asked a female if the chair next to her was taken, she replies, “No, but I’m expecting somebody very shortly.” (Ives 454). It seems like there is no way the conversation will continue, but the bell rings and the characters get another chance to give the right answer. When Bill asked Betty what was she reading, he tried to guess the author and gave a wrong answer. This made the bell ring because the answer did not satisfy Betty and the conversation ended and restarted. When Bill finally gave a right answer about the author, the conversation continued. Women like to meet smart and interesting men. A man wants to leave a good impression about him. Betty asked Bill what college he went to. He said that he went to Oral Roberts University. The answer did not satisfy Betty and the belt ringed. Bill got another chance to change the impression and he said, “I was lying. I never really went to college. I like to party”(455). This answer was not right one for Betty and Bill got a third chance. Finally, he said that he went to Harvard. It satisfied Betty and the conversation continued. We have to start realizing that when we’re letting people down, confusing and hurting them, we are not telling them what they want to hear; we are telling them whatever will limit our consequences and we’re also trying …show more content…
The author even gave them such popular names to help reader to relate to them. The story shows us something what happens to everybody in life. People try to be better versions of them on the first meeting. It is very important, because not everyone get a second chance to improve the first impression. The author gives Bill many chances which lead to interesting story end when the man and the woman fell in love with each other. There is nothing wrong to improve own personality temporary if you really like the person. The real world made this way and we cannot avoid it. The first impression is not always right. We cannot judge somebody by the clothes he or she wears. There is so many different life situations and if the person did not have a chance to go in the best university and it does not mean that he or she is not smart. Sometimes telling people the real thoughts can scare them. Telling them what they want to hear is what makes them like the person more but also hides the real personality. People need to think twice before start conversation. Young people are very open-minded and not embarrassed to show their real soul. As person gets older and gets more life experience, he or she needs to think twice before starting a conversation. Life experience made a human being to be shy about their personality. There is nothing wrong to tell people what they want to hear occasionally. There is a problem when a person dishonest

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