The SECOND labour was to kill the Lernean Hydra that was not only poisnous but also had nine heads. This was located in the swamps of Lerna which ravaged the country side. Hercules quickly learned in this battle that "as fast as one head was smashed there grew up two " (Apollodorus 2.5.2) and would have to fingure antoher way to kill this creature.
The THIRD labor was to retrieve the Hind of Ceryneia. It wouldd be a far off journey from his last labor that would have …show more content…
This was a vicious large boar that lived on mount Erymanthus that attacked everyone near. The challage in this task was that he "ordered him to bring the Erymanthian boar alive" (Apollodorus 2.5.4) .
The FIFTH labor was a labor of humility cleaning the stables of King Augeas. King Augeas had the most cattle of anyone in Greece. This task he had only one day to complete and would proably me the messest of them …show more content…
This was the belt of Hippolyte. "Hercules was sent to fetch this belt because Admete, daughter of Eurystheus, desired to get it" (Apollodorus 2.5.8) for peronal reasons.
The TENTH labor was to bring the Cattle of Geryon from a island at the end of the world. "This island was inhabited by Geryon, son of Chrysaor by Callirrhoe, daughter of Ocean" (Apollodorus 2.5.10) and various giant wild beasts.
The ELEVENTH labor took place after eight years from the tenth labor which was a test of patience. With Eurystheus asking for two more labors not counting the second and fifth beacuse they were no up to his standards. Hercules would have to bring him the Apples of the Hesperides. "They were presented < by Earth> to Zeus after his marriage with Hera, and guarded by an immortal dragon with a hundred heads" (Apollodorus 2.5.10) . This was a challage Herules has hesitant to complete.
The TWELFTH labor and final labor was to bring Cerbrerus from Hades. "Cerberus had three heads of dogs, the tail of a dragon, and on his back the heads of all sorts of snakes." (Apollodorus 2.5.12) Cerberus was guardian of the underworld where people go when they die. This would bring our hero the closest to death than