Effects on Tax Payers The U.S. budget deficits can affect tax payers in a negative aspect by increased taxes to offset the deficit. The budget deficit does impose interest costs on tax payers, meaning that the national savings totals are lower and this decreases the amount of private investing (Ackerman, 2004). This higher interest cost will have a direct effect on the trade deficit which will cause Americans to become even more dependent on exports for their consumer needs. The U.S. budget surpluses would affect tax payers in a positive aspect by refunding tax payers on overpayments. Another benefit from a surplus is that it will stimulate investing by offering lower interest rates, which would increase tax payers savings when filing taxes (Hall, 2012). The U.S. budget debt affects the tax payers. The U.S. government cannot sustain the economic level of owing more than they are receiving. The other option for shortening the debt is to limit spending by reducing benefits and programs. The interest rates may rise because of a decrease in the purchase of Treasury bonds from foreign investors (NDT, 2012).
Effects on future Social Security and Medicare user The United States Budget Deficit is only going to hurt the future Social Security and Medicare Users. Overspending will lead to no money in these accounts. The retirement age will continue to go up as long as there
References: Ackerman, S. (Nov/Dec 2004). The Budget Deficits Bigger Brother. Retrieved from:www.fair.org/index.php?page=3562 Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Ginsburg, H. (2009) National Jobs for All Coalition: Increasing Unemployment Increases the Deficit. Reducing Unemployment Reduces the Deficit. Retrieved from url:www.njfac.org/us1.htm Hall, S. (2012) How does the government surplus affect the economy? Retrieved from url: www.ehow.com/about_6193482_government-budget-surplus-affect-economy_.html Huntley, J. (2010). Federal Debt and the Risk of a Financial Crisis. Retrieved from http://www.cbo.gov/publication/25094 NDT (2012) No Debt Today: How the National Debt Affects You. Retrieved from url: www.nodebttoday.com/how-national-debt-affects-you.php Nelson, L. A. (2011). Inside Higher ED. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/07/18/increased_student_loan_interest_rates_to_reduce_deficit_and_probably_not_expand_grants Quinn II, C. (2011), THE FAMUAN. Retrieved fromhttp://www.thefamuanonline.com/news/obama-s-budget-cuts-college-student-grants-1.2478105 Worksham, R. (2012) Government Debt Relief Programs for the Unemployed. Retrieved from iurl:www.ehow.com/list_7330593_government-debt-relief-prgorams-unemployed.html