Although, we know that fly fishing is the most superior of all types of fishing, and that dry fly fishing, is perhaps one of the most perfect and enjoyable experiences that man may have here on Earth, it is important to understand the history of fishing, and how the sport has evolved throughout time. Throughout history fish have played an important role in the diet of many cultures, including the diet of many people in Medieval Europe. Different forms of fishing and various techniques had been developed and used throughout history. Detailed information of these practices in medieval times and earlier dates is difficult to find. This being the case it is a relatively unexplored area in which much can be learned about the development of fishing technology, and its impacts on society and culture in medieval times. We will examine then in this essay, the use of fish catching gear and tackle, the use of boats, advances in maritime technology, and fish processing in Medieval Europe to approximately 1050 A.D., all of which set the stage for further…