the seriousness of the offence. For example, a violent offence is more serious than a non violent offence.…
This means crime an act against a law. However, there are many factors contributing to whether an act is a crime or not. For example, certain drugs are illegal in some states where in others they are perfectly legal. Some people may think playing music too loud is a crime, but in many areas, this is not the case; it can just be annoying.…
Crime is a very fragile word that could be portrayed into many different understandings. The definition of a crime; According to "" (2014), " is an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state, and that is legally prohibited" (Noun 1.) Law means having a set of rules and regulations in which communities and society as a whole abide by. Crime can be understood as acting against those laws (rules) that have a punishment in return for those actions. There are two models that are most commonly used by society to determine whether certain acts…
A crime is which one breaks the law, meaning an individual or a group partakes in an event to do something wrong and one is accused in which a crime was committed. A crime (1981-2005), according to The Free Dictionary is defined as “A violation of a law in which there is injury to the public or a member of the public and a term in jail or prison, and/or a fine as possible penalties. There is some sentiment for excluding from the "crime" category crimes…
Crimes were divided into misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors were minor crimes that were normally committed by commoners. They included offenses such as stealing bread, disturbing the peace, or even being drunk in public. Felonies…
Status offenses are consider minor offense that under the law of a jurisdiction would not be consider a crime if committed by an adult; such as running away, being ungovernable or incorrigible, violating curfew laws, or possessing alcohol or tobacco (American Bar Association. n.d.).…
In Shakespeare’s novel, Romeo and Juliet, a huge event occurs in which Romeo get’s banished from the city of Verona. All the characters in this story view the banishment in different perspectives. The one whom was exiled, Romeo, views his banishment as equal to death. One of Romeo’s supporters, Friar Lawrence, views Romeo’s banishment as an act of mercy. Clearly, Romeo’s banishment reveals the difference in perspective between Romeo and Friar Lawrence.…
Chapter 3 discusses the nature and purpose of criminal laws. The types of laws include: criminal law, civil law, administrative law, and case law. Categories of crime are differentiated by felonies and misdemeanors. The eight general features of crime determine if the crime was acted a certain away. The crime must consist of: actus reus, mens rea, or both. Concurrence consist of both actus reus and mens rea, which many crimes usually have. Causation, harm, legality, punishment and attendant circumstances are included with the general features of crime. Also, types of defenses give the perpetrator a way of defending themselves in court. The defenses are alibi, justification, excuse, and procedural defenses. However, justification defenses are…
The meaning of the phrase "crimes are statutory offenses" is that in order for the government to convict a defendant of a crime, the government must (1) demonstrate that the suspect acts disobey a criminal statute; (2) prove a reasonable doubt that the suspect committed the acts; and (3) prove that the suspect had the capacity to form a criminal intent (Mallory et al., 2015, pg. 135). Since the definition of statutory offenses means "the wrong punishable under a statue, rather than at common law" (, n.d). An example of a statutory offenses would be like someone who is driving under the influences (DUI) or even someone who was harassing someone.…
Misdemeanors and felonies are similar in these ways: they both have broken the law and there will be some type of punishment. However felonies are more serious of a crime than a misdemeanor. Examples of felonies are murder, aggravated robbery…
One can also be charged with first degree murder when he has murdered more than one person at a given time or used poison. First degree murder is a capitol offense. Also felony murder and second degree murder are included. Felony murder is murder that occurred during a forcible felony. An example would be robbing someone at gunpoint and killing them. The second offense is aggravated criminal sexual assault. Aggravated criminal sexual assault does not include just rape. Violent rapes, statutory rapes, ,improper touch and torture are examples of aggravated criminal sexual assault. The third offense is aggravated battery with a firearm. Battery is when one person injures or makes contact with someone is a way that it could cause injury. Take the example of the robbery mentioned before. If the person had just hit the person with the gun or shot them in the leg, then instead of murder the charge would have been aggravated battery with a firearm. The next offense is armed robbery committed with a firearm. Now if the offender who had been robbing people with his gun just taken their money and left without injuring anyone or…
A felony is a serious crime usually punishable by imprisonment or death. Felons are people that have been convicted of a crime such as murder, rape, arson, child molest, drug offender and burglary. Virginia is one of many states that takes the right to vote away from felons as a form of punishment. Maine allows felons to vote even when they are imprisoned. The act of taking away the right to vote from felons and ex-felons is called Disenfranchisement. People that are in favor of disenfranchisement believe that those convicted of a crime have shown poor judgment therefore, proves them unfit to make good decisions when it comes to elections.…
3. In some state, felony convictions result in the loss of certain civil liberties such as voting and serving on a jury.…
A criminal record is a document that lists a person's criminal and penal convictions pronounced by the courts of Canada in accordance with federal laws such as the Criminal Code of Canada. However, violating a traffic rule of the Quebec Highway Safety Code is not a criminal offence and would not result in a criminal record. In fact, offences to provincial penal laws do not result in criminal records.…
An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.…