Intermediate sanctions can offer increased surveillance, tighter controls on movement, and a more intense treatment for an assortment of maladies and deficiencies, and can provide an increase of offender accountability. For example, the goal of incapacitation may be implemented with surveillance and control of movement.…
Intermediate sanctions are designed to give judges other sentencing options beside imprisonment or probation. These types of sanctions are less restrictive than imprisonment but more restrictive than probation. Intermediate sanctions are usually combined with imprisonment, probation, and each other.…
Intermediate sanctions; offers various different sentencing options to those in need of a more rigorous guidance than that of probation and less restrictive than incarceration and both being primary forms of punishment. The purpose for intermediate sanctions is to reduce the issues concerning overcrowded facilities and probation officers and offices short on staff. The options used for punishing criminals such as, fines, community service, restitution, forfeiture, and pretrial diversion program. The functioning of these sanctions are designed equal to the offenders offense in terms of punishment and treatment as well as other programs recommended to facilitate and improve one’s situation.…
* Write a 200- to 300-word response defining what intermediate sanctions are, their purpose in the criminal justice process, and their function as a sentencing alternative. Then, answer this question: Do you feel intermediate sanctions are an appropriate punishment? Explain your rationale.…
Intermediate sanctions tend to overlap the issues that arise when a criminal is released back into society from incarceration. Most often, the offenders, once released, return back to prison within 1-5 years (Fagin, 265). The reasons vary, but most likely it’s because the offender has not had proper preparation on how to ease back into society after being locked up for so much time. Intermediate sanctions are criminal penalties that do not include jail time or probation. Rather, intermediate sanctions fall in the middle of these types of punishments and offer an alternative to them.…
Dozens of writers, reformists and activists have already narrated the story of America's harrowing prison epidemic spread wide by the politics of corporate greed and fueled daily by scapegoating the poor and vulnerable. With nearly twenty years experience in public policy development, criminal justice reform, and promoting alternatives to confinement, now comes Marc Mauer, Assistant Director of The Sentencing Project, a national organization based in Washington, D.C. which advocates for substantial changes in our ways of punishing criminal…
that a person can gain a whole new understanding of their problems and troubles when they are…
Deterrence is a goal that reaches through fear and punishment. Incapacitation means to lock an offender to keep from society. Retribution involves incarceration, victim compensation, fines paid to public agencies, community service, and public humiliation or embarrassment. Rehabilitation is to help offenders cope with the world. Rehabilitation may involve treatments in some cases. Restoration involves repairing what is broken within a person or community. All these steps help protect the community and do what is right for the…
Sentences for crimes committed have been handed down for as long as there have been crimes to commit. There are many factors to be considered by the judge tasked with sentencing in a criminal case, including an offender’s criminal history and actual involvement in the commission of the offense. First-time offenders may be grated leniency in sentencing, but it can be argued that such a practice is contrary to the nature of punishment and detracts from the effects of the crime on the victims. Punishment serves three general purposes that serve to benefit the victim, the public, and the offender: retribution, prevention, and rehabilitation.…
Incarceration is 100% more effective than community supervision in terms of crime control against the general population because an offender is incapacitated within prison walls. Offenders…
Rehabilitation is an attempt to reform a criminal offender. Rehabilitation usually works through education and psychological treatment to reduce the likelihood of future criminality.…
According to James Rachels, he concluded the criminal justice system should be designed along the lines of retributivism, in much the way it currently is. Rachels comes to the conclusion the overall goal of punishment should be retributivism by examining the four requirements necessary for punishment. The four requirements for punishment are guilt, equal treatment, proportionality, and excuses. These requirements mean only the guilty get punished, each criminal who commits the same crime gets roughly the same punishment, the punishment is proportionate to the crime, and if provided a legit excuse, then no punishment is given. Rachels also argues that deterrence and rehabilitation do not meet the requirements, but retributivism does.…
The four fundamental philosophies surrounding the purpose of sentencing are retribution, deterrence, Incapacitation, and Rehabilitation. Retribution is the belief that those who commit criminal acts should be punished according to the seriousness of the crime and that no other circumstances are considered. It relies on the principle of just deserts, which holds that the severity of the punishment must be in proportion of the severity of the crime. Deterrence is the thought that if the punishment given is severe enough that it will stop the potential criminal from committing the crime or to be a repeat offender, so rather than seeking only to punish the offender this strategy is to try to sentence to prevent future crimes along with incapacitation and rehabilitation. Incapacitation is the third philosophy that is a belief that if the criminal is detained for a crime, thereby being separated from the community reduces the criminal activity and once released will not be as likely to be a repeat offender. Rehabilitation is the fourth and final philosophy that surrounds the purpose of sentencing, some believe that society is best served when those who break the law are not simply punished but are provided with resources needed to eliminate the need or want to engage in criminal behavior activity. There are three steps to help determining sentencing. When public opinions move toward more severe strategies of retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation, legislatures have responded by asserting their power of over determining sentencing guidelines. The Legislature passes sentencing Laws; this specifies the terms of indeterminate sentencing. An Indeterminate term of incarceration is in which a judge determines the minimum and maximum terms of imprisonment. Only a jury can hand down the decision of the death penalty. When the minimum term is reached the prisoner becomes eligible to be paroled. Then there is determinate sentencing, this is a period of incarceration that is…
There are five major types of punishment. There are two types of deterrence: individual and general. Individual deterrence involves deterring someone that has already offended from reoffending. General deterrence is stopping those who would offend from offending because of the punishment that others are receiving. Retribution is the theory that the punishment is right because it is deserved. Retribution has been around for some time, it is better known to some as “an eye for an eye” or “a life for a life” in more cases. Rehabilitation is to bring back to life, through therapy and education. A goal of rehabilitation is to prevent habitual offending. Incapacitation is seen as a good consequence of punishment because while behind bars the offender is out of society and unable to reoffend. Reparation means that the offender must make restitution to the victim as part of the punishment as a part of their condition for reentry to society. Reparation may be added with incarceration or rehabilitation.…
Incapacitation- punishment of keeping offenders in jail so they can’t repeat offense again in society.…