One of the aspects of the RA job is being the mediator in the unit, which being able to solve problems among people would be necessary. Roommates often have struggles and, as an RA, it is important to be able to resolve their conflict. Restorative is all about helping fix problems and creative problem solving, which will be necessary in roommate mediations and in working with a group of people in general. Not only do roommates have conflicts, but coworkers as well. Being able to resolve, not only problems between my residents, but also problems between my coworkers would be a valuable asset to …show more content…
My skills are all fairly based on my ability to critically think. I cannot help solve problems unless I can think, which can alter my restorative theme. However, someone like, Jazmine, who has the significance theme could use that theme to naturally know how to act in a situation. Jazmine stated that she finds the significance theme beneficial because it requires her to be responsible in order to be important to the people she is working with. She does not have to think about where or what her place is because she will naturally find it. This is not saying that Jazmine, or anyone else that does not have my themes, do not think critically, but my themes heavily rely on my thinking process. Learner and Analytical are directly related to my thinking. My type of empathy is more cognitive where I feel how the other person feels by thinking through the series of events they went through; I do not usually feel empathy for a person automatically. However, between me and Jazmine, we create a stronger team and would be able to accomplish more because our themes are not the exact same. If there are two CJ’s working together on a project there would be some obvious weaknesses to that team. However, by combining different themes into one group that group is able to accomplish more and accomplish those things well. There are also benefits on creating a team