After the Reception class, the national curriculum is organised in blocks of years, called key stages. There are four key stages and the student should be 15-16 years old in the last key stage. After that, they may choose to take GCSE's or other national qualification. At the age 16-17, they may start the Sixth Form, which will be completed when they turn 17-18. The student then can take A-levels, which lead to university.…
In England when children reach the age of 3 years they are entitled to 15 hours of government funding in pre-schools and nurseries. Pre-schools and Nurseries are obliged to follow the Foundation stage curriculum and practioners must provide provisions to meet the educational needs of the child. The settings will be inspected by OFSTED and will assess the children against the Foundation stage profile…
The government has set the provision that all three and four year olds are entitled to free education of fifteen hours in a nursery for thirty eight weeks in the year. This is in effect up to the compulsory age of going to school which is usually the term after their fifth birthday. These free hours are available to use in a range of early-years settings such as day nurseries, nursery schools, pre-schools, play groups, children’s centres and childminders.…
The early year’s foundation stage been in place since 2008. It sets all of the things that all early years providers must meet. This is for maintained schools and non-maintained school. The early year’s foundation stage is set out into assessments which tells you about the child’s progress which this done through the early year’s foundation stage. There are levels that a child should reach when they are at the age of 5, which is…
Since 2004 all children in the UK aged three and four years old have been entitled to free places at nursery preschool in an OFSTED inspected setting which is found to be satisfactory or better. From 1st September 2010 the Government extended these hours from 12.5 to 15 hours for up to 38 weeks of the year. The free entitlement provides universal access to early childhood education and care, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to benefit from early years education. The extended hours also supports parents who wish to go back to work or develop their careers through further education by providing affordable day care. In September 2010 the government announced that children at the age of two from families who met the criteria for free school meals could also benefit from from free child care a year early. From September 2014, the number of early learning places for two year olds will be extended to around 260,000. This is to allow more parents to take advantage of the scheme, already used by more than 800,000 three and four year olds.…
1:1- As part of the Every Child Matters agenda and the Childcare act 2006 every child age 3-4 is entitled to 12.5 hours of free early year’s education per week for 38 weeks of the year. This is government funded to ensure every child receives up to two years of free education before starting school. If the child requires more than 12.5 hours a week the parent is charged for this.…
As part of the Every Child Matters agenda and the Childcare Act 2006, every three and four year old in England receives free part-time early years education for 38 weeks a year, for 15 hours a weeks. These 15 hours can be shared amongst different places for childcare. The government funds the local authorities to ensure every child can receive up to two years free education before reaching school age. There are many…
Each key stage consist on a range of school Years, there are many within the key stage Early years foundation stage covers the age of 3 to 5which its call Reception, Key stage 1 applies to children of the age 5 to 7 years which are year 1 to 2, Key stage 2 applies from the age of 7 to 11 which are years 3 to 6, Key stage 3 applies to age of 11 to 14 which are years 7 to 9, Key stage 4 applies to age of 14 to 17 which are years 10 to 12. Nursery schools are for children of age 3 and 4, Primary schools cater for children of age 4 to 11, Secondary schools cater for children age 11 to 17 which will be change in 2014 at the age of 18years old.…
In the UK there are a variety of different types of schools and educational settings for 0- 18year olds and can be put into 4 main phases.…
Three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours of early years education, this is usually in the form of a government grant.…
Nursery – Schools for children with an age of 3 and 4. They have their own head teacher and staff. Some are funded by local authorities and others are privately funded.…
High quality early education sits alongside health as an important determinant of childrenâ€TMs life chances. All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early education per week over 38 weeks in the year. The idea behind this initiative is that disadvantaged children will have the same…
It is the entitlement of each child between 3 and 4 years to receive free part time early years education. The government (in this case Cheshire East) ensures that all children receive 2 free years of education before reaching school age. Early years provisions in schools is about making sure children learn through play rather than through formal education for example in a classroom. However it is to follow the EYFS curriculum until the end of their early years education.…
All 3 and 4 year olds in England are entitled to receive a free, part time early year’s education. They are entitled to 15 hours a week, for 38 weeks of the year. This is part of the Every Child Matters agenda, which is a government initiative for England and Wales, and its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to;…
As part of the Childcare Act 2006 and every child matters, all 3 and 4 year old children in England are able to receive free, part time early years education, up to 15 hours per week, for a school year of 38 weeks per year. Early year’s education follows the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance which was simplified in September 2012 and the Government funds local authorities.…