Anger can be heard in Timmy’s tone when he is very blunt in denying that Linda could die in a conversation with his mother. Even as an adult O’Brien sometimes feels anger towards the world or God for taking Linda from him. Such a pure and innocent child, taken for a reason only God knows. “Nine years old, and she died” (O’Brien 152). Anger can also be seen in the actions of the soldiers as they bomb an entire village for the death of their friend Ted Lavender. It is not as if every man and woman in that village helped fire the bullet that killed Ted Lavender, but the anger that comes with grief is not the direct cause of any one person. We want to take the pain that we feel and blame someone else for it other than our lost loved one. If someone else could just feel the same pain maybe it wouldn’t hurt as
Anger can be heard in Timmy’s tone when he is very blunt in denying that Linda could die in a conversation with his mother. Even as an adult O’Brien sometimes feels anger towards the world or God for taking Linda from him. Such a pure and innocent child, taken for a reason only God knows. “Nine years old, and she died” (O’Brien 152). Anger can also be seen in the actions of the soldiers as they bomb an entire village for the death of their friend Ted Lavender. It is not as if every man and woman in that village helped fire the bullet that killed Ted Lavender, but the anger that comes with grief is not the direct cause of any one person. We want to take the pain that we feel and blame someone else for it other than our lost loved one. If someone else could just feel the same pain maybe it wouldn’t hurt as