Within the lives of every individual there are groups of people who associate with them, who help to give them a deeper understanding of who they are. These groups can stem from friendships, hobbies, family, culture or even age. Some argue that it would be impractical to say that an individual gains and develops their identity through the actions and opinions of others. However, it is evident that without the presence of other people, one would not be able to form a complete sense of self. Others help a person discover their origins and heritage, as well as aid them in realising their own morals and desires, as well as being illustrations that show the difference and similarities between …show more content…
If there is a case where one agrees with a group in terms of behaviours of beliefs, they automatically feel a sense of belonging, because they have conformed to that group’s opinion. However, it is also possible for an individual to rebel against the group and pursue their own path that differs. An individual is free to decide where they stand on an issue, but must be aware that they are also, subtly, making a choice on how they will relate to the wider group or community. An example of this can be found in ‘Five Ways to Disappoint Your Vietnamese Mother’ where a character rebels against her mother’s wishes for her life. The situation shows that through the observation of others, one can decide for themselves whether or not to take the opinions of the group into account when making their own choices. Without other people in their lives, there would be no-one to give another perspective on situations. The presence of others can assist an individual in realising their own moral stances and personal desires by showcasing options of thoughts, actions, and beliefs; therefore giving that person an idea of what to do or not do, depending on whether or not they agree with them. In ‘Five Ways to Disappoint Your Vietnamese Mother’, the central character understands her mother’s expectations of her, but chooses to disagree with her mother and plan out her life her own way, which, while it caused friction between them, was a course of action more pleasing to the character in the long run. It is therefore clear that the presence of other within an individual’s life is vital, as it helps that person come to know their own mind