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This topic will help to get a glimpse of all five year plans till now and recommended for students/ aspirants of SBI Clerical Exams going to be held shortly. For more details please visit Planning Commission of India 's website here
Planning Commission (Estb. 1950)
In March 1950, Government of India constituted a statutory body with the Prime Minister of India as its Chairman-called the Planning Commission. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission.
National Planning Council (Estb. 1965)
It is an advisory body attached to the Planning Commission and was established in 1965. It includes experts representing a cross-section of the Indian economy.
National Development Council (Estb. 1951)
Chief Ministers of the states, together with the members of the Planning Commission, constitute the National Development Council. The Prime Minister of India presides over the Council.
Five Year Plans
The development plans are drawn by the Planning Commission to establish India 's economy on a socialistic pattern in successive phases of five year Periods-called the Five Year Plans. The organisation was set up to formulate basic economic policies, draft plans and watch its progress and implementation. It consists of:
(I) Planning Commission of India
(ii) National Planning Council
(iii) National Development Council and State Planning Commissions
In July 1951, the Planning Commission issued the draft outline of the First Five Year Plan for the period April 1951 to March 1956. It was presented to the Parliament in December 1952. In the First Plan, agriculture received the main thrust, for sustaining of growth and development of industries which would not be possible without a significant rise in the yield of raw materials and food.
i) To increase food production.