November 14, 2013
7th Block
Ms. McDonald
Book Report
Flags of Our Fathers
Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima was written by James Bradley with the assistance of Ron Powers and adapted for young people by Michael French. This is a non-fiction war novel. The story begins with a young man who has curiosity of his late father. Throughout the book he finds out more and more about his father and the other men who raised the flag in Iwo Jima. I feel as though Bradley was in fact qualified to write this novel. Not only was one of the flag raisers his father but he researched all this information. He gathered background knowledge on every flag raiser. He also gathered maps and pictures to help the reader understand as well as he did. I agree with Bradley’s research and findings due to the amount of evidence he has presented throughout the book. This book begins with a famous war veteran, John Bradley. He was famous for being one of the men who raised the American flag on Iwo Jima. He died without telling his family anything about his war life. His son, James Bradley, decides he is going to not only find out about his father’s past but also about all the (six) men who helped raise the flag. Their names are: John Bradley, Franklin Sousley, Harlon Block, Ira Hayes, Rene Gagnon, and Mike Strank. He goes into detail on the event that happened those days. He included letters written by the six flag raisers to their loved ones. He followed the lives of the boys after they went home. He mentioned the memorabilia of the battle and the six flag raisers. The use of flashback makes the read an amazing endurance. James uses the flashback device to better describe the days at battle. He uses flashback to make the reader experience WWII. There is so much detail in his writing it is as if he was there himself. Instead of narrating the whole scene he drops you in the story. The use of this device makes the book bearable and entertaining. I would