or why are these characters relevant, if in theory they’re not related to the main characters, at all. With this maneuver O’Connor starts building up the feeling of suspense on the reader. However, when the main characters cross paths with these individuals the mood of suspense starts to become grimier and grimier, it starts to turn into horror. The horror becomes completely explicit when the grandmother realizes who they stumbled upon with. These lines, these sentences can somehow manage to change the mood in such an abrupt way, yet they don’t break the spell of keeping the suspense alive. What Flannery O’Connor achieved with this story is just a plain and simple marvel. The way she kept the horror and suspense alive throughout the story it’s something admirable.
or why are these characters relevant, if in theory they’re not related to the main characters, at all. With this maneuver O’Connor starts building up the feeling of suspense on the reader. However, when the main characters cross paths with these individuals the mood of suspense starts to become grimier and grimier, it starts to turn into horror. The horror becomes completely explicit when the grandmother realizes who they stumbled upon with. These lines, these sentences can somehow manage to change the mood in such an abrupt way, yet they don’t break the spell of keeping the suspense alive. What Flannery O’Connor achieved with this story is just a plain and simple marvel. The way she kept the horror and suspense alive throughout the story it’s something admirable.