The organization of my playlist is based on empowering women. My method for this playlist is to give any teenage girl or woman that is struggling or going through something in life thinking no one understands, this playlist is to help get them through those struggles and show them that they are in control of their life and they have the power to change their life.
Get Empowered
1. Beyoncé- Flawless
2. Ludacris- Run away love 3. Beyoncé- Pretty hurt 4. Wale- Ambitious Girl 5. Tamar Braxton- Pieces …show more content…
The song Flawless by Beyoncé is sociologically relevant because it is about Feminism. This song is an uplift song for women and a fight for girl power. It teaches women to appreciate what they have and celebrate what they have and how they were born. This song is a big part of the feminist movement; it informed a lot of people what feminism is and opened eyes to who the feminist movement is for and about. Throughout the course we talked about the feminist movement and us discussion whether or not we are in the fourth wave of feminism and this song, I believe, is direct proof that we are in the fourth wave of feminism.
2. The song Run away Love by Ludacris is sociologically relevant because it tells the story of many different people going through many different struggles in life and they all decided running away is the answer. It touches on sexual assault by man toward woman and girls. This song makes you think about the violence against women due to man and wonder why things like sexual assault take place.
3. The song Pretty hurts by Beyoncé is sociologically relevant because it is about sexism. This song speaks on how woman have to fix and change their physical appearance to match what society and men think is more desirable. This song teaches young woman that going outside of gender norms is okay and that just because you may not look like what is on TV or the magazines you still are beautiful in your own …show more content…
The song Ambitious by Wale is sociologically relevant because it helps women understand that it is okay to go against gender norms and sexism. In this song he talks about a woman who is very ambitious and goes after what she wants regardless of what society may think of her. It is about letting woman know that it is okay to inspire to be more than just a pretty face or a mother, it is okay to have dreams and go after them, and it is okay to break gender norms.
5. The song Pieces by Tamar Braxton is sociologically relevant because it is about feminism. This song tell woman to not accept what man think woman are worth having. It tell woman to go after what they want and deserve, not based on what man think or society gender norms, but on what they want as individuals.
6. The song who run the world by Beyoncé is sociologically relevant because it is about feminism. This song is the epitome of women empowerment. It takes a stand on women being more than just mothers and teachers but women being CEOs of their own companies and letting the world know that this type of behavior from woman is okay and acceptable in the new society and generation we live in