That night they struggled to keep warm as well as struggled to sleep, especially with the crying and complaining of all the injured or freezing passengers. These passengers discovered the radio from the plane had been broke during the crash. They had became excited for a little bit when they figured out they had a mechanic on board. With bad news to all of them he couldn’t get the radio to work. Three different search parties had searched for the plane but due to the plane being white, it was hard to see the plane in the snow. The search for the plane and any survivors had been cancelled on the eleventh day. …show more content…
Which meant they were left without the idea of having animals to hunt for food. When I stated it’s amazing what the body will due to survive, this is what I had meant when the passengers that were left trying to survive had finally made the decision together that they would eat the flesh from the bodies of the passengers that have died. This was a very crucial decision on their part by eating human remains of these passengers that they knew personally. What a few of these men did that I would’ve probably did in this situation was that they decided to climb these mountains and find