By Daniel Keyes
Test Review :
These questions will test your analyzing skills, let's see how you do!
(The questions are in order from beginning - end of story)
Question A:
What can you infer about about Charlie's abilities and personality through his progress reports in the beginning of the story? ● He writes in a childlike form
● He trust others without a doubt
Question B:
In what ways are Charlie's journal entries unique?
● Spelling errors
● Charlie shows little understanding about the events around him
Question C:
In the text, what tells you Charlie has a desire to change?
● He is eager to become smart
● He has motivation to work hard
● He is willing to even suffer physical pain
Question D:
What can you infer about Charlie's thought process (think ink blot) ?
● Charlie does not reason well or understand what's going on around him
● He takes things literally
Question E:
What have you learned about Charlie through the comments of Miss Kinnian and the doctors ?
● He is good natured
● He is motivated
● He is easy to please
Question F:
What trait of Charlie's convinces Dr.
Strauss to use him in the experiment?
● Motivation
Question G:
From the reading, what does Charlie hope for or want to gain from the operation? ● He wants to become smart
● Not feel so different from other people
● Use the operation to help others become smart
Question H:
How is the March 19th progress report different than the other reports so far?
● The report is shorter and concise
● Charlie shows a lot of emotion; such as, anger
● He portrays being frustrated and impatient because he can't beat algernon and he doesn't feel smart
● He illustrates being impatient with the tests the scientist are giving him and having to write progress reports
Question I:
In the beginning, why does Charlie think his 'friends' at the factory are really his friends? ● He thinks they're laughing with him
● He does not know how to judge character well
Question J:
What did