United States each year and potentially tens of thousands of flu associated deaths annually. Also, the recommendation of Illinois Department of Public Health for every child six months of age and older to be vaccinated for influenza every . The article, goes on listing symptoms people may feel once they encounter the flu versus symptoms they feel after flu vaccination. I agree doctors should make a recommendation whether a child should be injected with a flu vaccine but the final decision should be left for the parent. Being a parent myself I think that no one can force a flu shot on my own child and just override my legal authority to determine what is best for her. If a parent knows their own child is well fed, if her hands were washed before dinner or what time they go to bed to be well rested for the next day there is no need for a flu shot which contains harmful chemicals. Not to forget to mention our freedom of religion.
My understanding was, anyone can practice their own religion and have freedom to their own