usually it causes a pandemic ("How the Flu Virus Can Change: “Drift” and “Shift”." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 19 Aug. 2014).
Transmission of Influenza is rather easy, but it is also easy to avoid.
Coming into contact with an already infected individual is the easiest mode of transport for the virion. Any contact with surfaces contaminated with the mucosal fluids of an infected person can potentially make you sick. Once these contaminates make their way into your nose or mouth, they get stuck in the mucosal lining of the throat and can replicate there. To avoid this, people should properly sanitize main areas of traffic. Bathrooms and kitchens are places where viruses can easily be transmitted. If it is suspected that you are sick, wash your hands often and thoroughly. Sanitize all surfaces you’ve come into contact with and cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Avoiding sharing belongings and food with other people can cut down on the risk of spreading germs. The flu is extremely contagious and a healthy person can transmit it a day before symptoms even show up. This contagious stage can last up to 5-7 days. It is very important to have as little contact with others as possible during this
If infection occurs, there are a few anti-viral drugs that can be administered to shorten the length of the illness and also alleviate the symptoms that come with contracting the influenza virus. Drugs such as Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) and Relenza (Zanamivir) mimic the action of sialic acid during the replication period of the influenza virion. The drug tightly bonds to the surface protein Neuraminidase preventing the protein from breaking the bond between sialic acid and Hemagglutinin. This immobilizes the newly created virion and prevents it from continuing its replication in another host cell. The M2 ion channels in the membrane of the virion are targets of drugs like Rimantadine and Amantadine. They interfere with the uncoating process of virion replication. Once the virion enters the host cell, an acidification must occur in order for the ribonucleoproteins to dissociate from the M1 ions. Rimantadine, therefore prohibiting the completion of the replication process, blocks entry of hydrogen ions through the M2 ion channels. This drug can only work on strains of Influenza A because the Influenza B subtype does not contain M2 ion channels (Kamps, Bernd Sebastian, and Christian Hoffman, “Influenza Textbook Rimantadine”). Despite the availability of these anti-viral drugs, they are not widely used due to the adverse side effects they cause. Also, the potential to create drug resistant strains of Influenza limits our use of these drugs.