• Genesis scored a 2 for both oral and written language for her SOLOM results. To help Genesis with her fluency I provided her with 2 different stories. One story focused on “th” sounds and the other focused on “sh” sounds. Genesis is only 5 years old and does not know how to read many words so I helped her with this activity. For both of the stories, I read out loud and Genesis had to find and circle the words that started with “th” and “sh.” After she circled all of the words in the story, we said out loud together each word that was circled.
• Accommodations that meet student’s cultural or linguistic need
1. Accommodation #1-visual aid of the letters.
2. Accommodation #2-repeated reading.
• Explanation of how each accommodation meets student’s cultural or linguistic need
1. Explanation for Accommodation #1-Hispanic students sometimes have a hard time forming letters and sounds when it comes to words. During this activity, I had a card with the exact sound that we were looking for to circle.
2. Explanation for Accommodation #2-Hispanic students often need something repeated to them while learning. While reading the story, I often reread sentences to help Genesis find a th sound or an sh sound.
• I think that this activity was very successful. …show more content…
To help with her pronunciation we did a rhyming game with flash cards. I created several different levels to the game. The first level was all “at” words. One flashcard had the word “at” on it in red. Then there were other flash cards that had, m, r, b, h, c, s, f on it. the at stayed in the same place and then the first letter flash card changed. In order to move on, Genesis had to say the correct word. The second level was all words that rhymed with “ug” and then “ox.” The last level of the game was the hardest. All of the words Genesis had to say rhymed with “ail.” To she has to say mail, rail, pail, quail, and