Series and Parallel Pump
To demonstrate the principle operating characteristics of centrifugal pump in series, parallel or single pump operation.
To determine the pump characteristic curves of pump in series and parallel configuration and single operation.
To determine the pump power.
A pump can serve to move liquid, as in a cross country pipeline, to lift liquid as from a well or to the top of a tall building; or to put fluid under pressure as in a hydraulic brake. In chemical plants and refineries pumps transfer or circulate oil and a great variety of fluids.
General Start - Up Procedures
Before conducting any experiment, it is necessary to do the following checking to avoid any misuse and malfunction of equipment.
1. Fill sump tank with tap water. Water level can be checked using the viewing window.
2. Check whether the Emergency-Off switch is released.
3. Switch on main power switch.
4. Open flow adjustment valve.
5. Switch on pump.
Experimental Procedures
Experiment 1 : Single Pump
Figure 1: Configuration of a Single Pump 1. Connect the stop-cocks as shown in Fig. 1 (handle parallel to the pipe – valve open, handle perpendicular to the pipe – valve closed).
2. Switch on pump 1 (9) with the main switch on the switchbox (11); pump 2 must remain off!
3. Set the desired volumetric flow rate Q with the drain cock (8); ensure continuous water inflow into the reservoir.
4. Record measured values, (Refer Table 1):
P Suction - on the intake side of the pump (13)
P Delivery - on the delivery side of the pump (14)
Q - Volumetric flow rate
To determine volumetric flow rate close the outlet valve. Use stopwatch to establish time required for raising the level in the volumetric tank in 1 minute.
5. Repeat with five other different volumetric flow rates Q.
Experiment 2 : Series Configuration of Two Pumps
Figure 2: Series Configuration
References: 1. White, F.M. Fluid Mechanics 4th Ed. McGraw Hill 2. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C and Harriot Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering 5th Ed. McGraw Hill 3. Anthony Esposito. Fluid Mechanics with Applications. Prentice Hall International Inc. 4. Debler, W.R. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals. Prentice Hall International Inc.