5.1 Introduction
• The total elimination of all the complex mechanical control runs and linkages all commands and signals are transmitted electrically along wires, hence the name fly-by-wire.
• The interposition of a computer between the pilot’s commands and the control surfaces actuators.
• The aircraft motion sensors which feedback the components of the aircraft’s angular and linear motion of the computer.
• The air data sensors which supply height and airspeed information to the computer.
• Redundancy incorporated to enable failures in the system to be survived.
The pilot thus controls the aircraft through the flight control computer, and the computer determines the control surface movement for the aircraft to respond in the best way to the pilot’s commands and achieve a fast,well damped response throughout the flight envelope.
The key features are described in more details below :
5.2 Electrical Data Transmission
Electrical transmission of signals and commands is a key element in a FBW system. Modern systems use a serial data transmission system with time division multiplexing. The signals can then be transmitted along a network comprising two wires only , as only one set of data is being …show more content…
The servo actuation systems driving the control surfaces comprise two stage servo system with the FBW servo actuators driving the duplex control valves of the main power control actuators. Both electrohydraulic and electrical first stage actuation systems are used, although the trend is now towards direct drive electric motors. Linear and rotary electro-magnetic actuators are used with multiple independent windings; three windings in case of a triplex system or four windings in a quadruplex