Foliar and root anatomy were obtained from a Citrus Limon to be studied upon and the main focus were the stem, petiole, leaf and root. Plant material was obtained from Manila Seeding Bank Foundation Inc. and was brought to Ateneo De Manila University. Sections were subjected to staining and dehydration, after which they were viewed under a light microscope and measured using a light microscope. The young stem has a periderm, wide and continuous ring of vascular bundle and a relatively thin layer of cortex. The trichomeless root has a uniseriate epidermis, very thick layer of cortical parenchyma and well defined circular arrangement of vascular tissue in the middle. The dorsiventral leaf has a uniseriate epidermis, 3-4 layers of palisade, 3-4 layers of spongy mesophyll and in-between these are 5-8 layers of parenchyma where lateral veins lie. Found on the abaxial side of the leaf was a secretory cavity and a glandular capitates trichome. These are strong indications that the plant belongs to family Rutaceae because the presence of these secretory structures that produce essential oils is a synaptomorphic characteristics that belongs to this solely to them. In addition, it is possible they have water conservational features aside from usual water-conserving features of a typical eudicot. It was concluded that the anatomical information obtained solely from the leaf indicated a taxonomical and physiological implication on the other hand, for the stem and roots, nothing was found ergo, concluded.
Citrus limon is an evergreen woody tree which is commonly known for its aromatic and ovate fruit. The tree originated from Asia, specifically India and Pakistan, and is now grown commercially in tropical and warm temperate countries. They belong to the family of Rutaceae and are believed to be hybrids of other Citrus plants such as lime (C. aurantifolia), pomelo (C. maxima),
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