
Follow Or Break-Established Decisions

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Follow Or Break-Established Decisions
There are two kinds of people: people who follow rules or people who break them. All throughout history and during modern times, there has been people who are obedient to laws and ones who will rebel against them. When rules are established, individuals choose whether they will follow them or not. The individuals make their decisions, but what makes them sure of them? Things that guide confident decisions to follow rules or break established rules are deciding whether something is ethical, if they are better off breaking the rules, and if they are better off following them.
Deciding whether something is ethical or not guides confident decisions to follow rules or break established rules. In the dress code article, a female student from Buchanan High School
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In Antigone, after Antigone says that she does not care about what Creon will do, Ismene responds by “Think how much more terrible than these our own death would be if we should go against Creon and do what he has forbidden!”. Ismene tried to reason with Antigone that if they bury Polyneices, they will be severely punished. She would rather stay alive and follow the law than break the law and have to suffer the consequences. Because of this Ismene decided she was better off following the rules and did not help Antigone. In the dress code article, Barbara Cruz, a teacher at the University of South Florida, said that there are benefits to following dress codes. The advantages included were “increasing student achievement by focusing on an academic environment and in the case of uniforms, creating a communal team spirit”. Because there were benefits of following dress codes, Cruz thought that people would be better off following them. The decisions that were made in this paragraph showed that individuals decide whether they are better off following rules makes them ensure their

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