Course work 1
Type of menu that was selected
The Asian kitchen, it’s a mixed cuisines of Asian and Chinese, This restaurant is located at City Link Mall #B1-21/Republic Plaza #B1-01/Vivo City #B2-29.
The menu is the single most important tool on a foodservice operation.
A well-planned menu serves as a catalyst that drives all operational function: purchasing, production, assembly, distribution, service, and sanitation.
In this restaurant, the type of menu is static menu which is used each day. This menu includes two or more food choices in each menu category such as rices, noodles, soups, side dishes, vegetables, dumplings, desserts, drinks, so also can call it selective menu.
In this restaurant menu there are some of the benefits of a static menu include increased familiarity among guests, dish stability across different locations and speedy production. There are also have some disadvantages include difficulty finding seasonal ingredients, stale menu items and the risk that customers will get bored.
For the selective menu offers three obvious advantages: patients can choose what they want, the amount of plate waste can be lowered, and food costs can be reduced. These advantages are especially attractive when an expensive entrée is paired with an inexpensive one, thus allowing the lower-cost item to offset the more expensive one. When patients choose their own food, they are more likely to eat everything served. They may even choose fewer items than would have been served on a nonselective menu. A disadvantage of this method is that it can be time-consuming. Initial difficulties may be experienced in predicting numbers who will choose items. Done by Amy
The Asian Kitchen is a Chinese restaurant which menu is design by Asia of course. It is the same kind of restaurant as Din Tai Fung