Food & Eating Across Cultures, SOSA 2401 x/y
Professor Liz Fitting,
Sociology & Social Anthropology
(attach to course syllabus)
Week 14 Case study: Growing organic
January 5 & 7 • Hetherington, Kregg, Chapters 1-4 Cultivating Utopia
Week 15 Case study: Growing organic
Jan. 12 &14 • Hetherington, Kregg, Chapters 5-8 Cultivating Utopia • Exams handed back this week & Make up exam on Tuesday January 12, 1-3 pm
Week 16 Class and consumption
Jan. 19 & 21 • Roseberry, William. 1996. “The Rise of Yuppie Coffee and the Reimagination of Class in the United States,” American Anthropologist 98 (4). 762-775. (BLS).
*Food basket assignment due on Thursday January 21st.
Week 17 Gender, food & Community
Jan. 26 & 28 • Beardworth, Alan and Teresa Keil, “Food, family, and community” in Sociology on the Menu, London: Routledge, pp. 73-99. (On reserve) • Allison, Anne, Chapter 15 “Japanese Mothers and Obentos…” in F & C
Week 18 Gender, food & the body
February 2 & 4 • Bordo, Susan, Chapter 12 “Anorexia Nervosa: Psychopathology as the Crystallization of Culture” in F & C • Parasecoli, Fabio, Chapter 13 “Feeding Hard Bodies: Food and Masculinities in Men’s Fitness Magazines” in F & C
Week 19 Race, ethnicity & food
Feb. 9 & 11 • Williams-Forson, Psyche, Chapter 21, “More Than Just the ‘Big Piece of Chicken’: The Power of Race, Class and Food in American Consciousness” in F & C • Nabhan, Gary Paul, Chapter 23 “Rooting Out the Causes of Disease: Why Diabetes is So Common Among Desert Dwellers” in F & C
*Reading response due on Tuesday on either reading
Week 20 Nationalism & food
Feb. 16 & 18 ▪ Penfold, Steve, 2002, “Eddie Shack Was No Tim Horton…” in Food Nations, ed. W. Belasco and P. Scranton. New York: Routledge. Pp. 48-66. ▪ Wilk, Richard, Chapter 19 “’Real Belizean Food’” …in F & C ▪
Study Break --February 22-28th--
Week 21 Foundational approaches
March 2