Normally when you think of Asian cuisine you would think of sushi, other raw fish, and ramen noodles. That’s not entirely true because there are actually three different “cuisine areas” and styles in Asia, the South West, the South East, and the North East. Since there are three different “cuisine areas” you won’t have to worry too much about finding something you’ll like to eat. According to, “Asian food contains more vegetables, less fried food, and less red meat.” But because of this, Asian food is high in cancer fighters, reduces the risk of heart disease, and helps fight diabetes. Another good thing about this type of diet is that the cooking techniques embrace low-fat cooking such as stir-frying or steaming and uses salt-free seasonings like ginger, garlic, fresh herbs, and chilies. Although some traditional Asian foods, such as tempura, are deep-fried and some foods and sauces are loaded with sodium so be careful how much you consume. According to, “Typical Asian cooking techniques also focus on cooking foods quickly and using very little oil, resulting in heart-healthy dishes that retain more nutrients.” One thing about eating this way is most Asian food doesn’t involve dairy so people who eat mainly like this may have a calcium deficiency. And since Western societies eat very differently than the Eastern societies, Eastern eating habits aren’t very suited for the Western…