Food Inc – Summary
The documented film "Food, Inc." rapt by Robert Kenner opens with the sentence, "The way we eat has altered in the past 50 years than in the previous 10,000 years.” Later in the film it's illustrated that one of the significant deviations in what we eat is that our food source has been flooded with sugar and other advanced carbohydrates. It also highlights that not all the food we consume is good for our health. Some areas of food production such as meat and seed production are focused on this film. As well as bad practices in the food industry. Several of the United States food and farming industries are dangerous. And yet people often believe that food manufacturers and farmers are vigilant about keeping …show more content…
The film proved that a person’s health can directly be affected by eating unhealthy fast foods. Increase in cholesterol level, liver diseases, chest pains, and obesity are some of the health issues you can get by eating this unhealthy foods repeatedly. Morgan conducted an experiment where he should follow specific rules in his eating habits for 30 days. After days of fast food consumption, he claims that the food was directly affecting his moods and he’s getting addicted to it. Whenever he feels depressed or stressed out, he just needs to eat a Super Meal from a McDonald’s menu and all his sadness is relieved. It’s like the similar effects we can get by using heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and even smoking cigarettes. The film is not all about his eating routine experiments; Spurlock also interviews some locale industry experts and several public school officials that have banned sodas on their campus and instituted healthy lunch programs. The film is a good warning for people who love eating in fast food chains. Spurlock’s experiment is a wakeup call especially to American citizens who prefer eating ready-made and cheap fast foods than eating organic and healthy