Food, Inc. is an American documentary film directed by Robert Kenner. The film is about corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees. The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser.
The film opens with the sentence, “The way we eat has changed more dramatically in the past 50 years than in the previous 10,000 years.”, which immediately caught my attention. It led me to question where we get what we eat. As I pondered on this question, I realized that i don’t know what the answer is. This is exactly what the food companies want. Why, you might ask, well simply because these companies don’t want their consumers to know how get their products. This is what the film aims to do, to educate consumers on the food that they are buying, whether these foods are safe or not, genetically modified or not, organic or not and etc.
I think the film has been successful in conveying its message to the viewers, because as of now people in the United States have voted for the food system they want. Which have gotten organic foods into Walmart. The Americans were not the only one who got the message, I myself got it. Since watching the film, I’ve been more aware of the food that I eat every day, three times a day. I’ve become conscious of what food to take, whether they’re healthy or not. I realized that I should be support local food economies more rather than the international food economy. However if we want to change the system, we should all help to eradicate it. If all of us start supporting our local food economy then the demand will increase and increasing the demand will increase the supply which will help our local food suppliers. If the local food economy increases then the international food economy will decrease. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s all help eradicate the system.
The Food