It means to have the best high-quality essential foods to eat. Food justice ensures that the benefits and risks of where, what and how food is grown and produced, transported, and distributed, and accessed and eaten are shared fairly (Gottlieb and Joshi, 2010 p.6). According to veteran organization Just Food (2010), food justice is “communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat [food that is] fresh, nutritious, affordable, culturally appropriate and grown locally with care for the well-being of the land, workers, and animals” (Alkon and Agyeman, 2011p.5). So the food justice organization connects to their consumer’s request favoring the process to the food movement activism. When it comes food justice and food sovereignty intention is to initialize justice in regulating the food organization. The objective of food sovereignty developed from Via Campesina food sovereignty “ is the right of each nation to maintain and develop its own capacity to produce its basic foods, respecting cultural and productive capacity” as well as the “right of peoples to define their agriculture and food policy”(Gottlieb and Joshi, 2010 p.116). For the most part control and consumption both are important to the food movements, which highlight reasonable access to high-quality beneficial foods for all …show more content…
Feminism is a prearranged movement for equal women’s rights to men in political, economical, and social equality. Food justice refers to the understanding of having the instruments and resources that make food a health and nutritious availability to the communities that are in need of assistance. Many women are the consumers that are purchasing the food items to cook the food for their families. There is a stereotype when it comes to cooking in the kitchen that it’s a women’s domain. Women also have duties such as prepare food, reproduce children, maintain a clean home and domestic work which is also fallen down on the women. According to the ASU lecture part 1: Foundation of Feminist Food Justice, ecofeminism explores the interconnection domination of women and nature. Ecofeminism is a movement that is a combination of the environment and feminism to focus on the oppression of women and the actions that can cause the destruction of the