I know that sounds bad, but I do not consider myself to have healthy eating habits. I thought I would have had a higher percentage. I was also surprised on my total amount of calories for each day. I thought each day's total would've been higher especially Friday since I had Starbucks and a large dinner. I would like to make some changes in my diet. I have already cut out pop and I have lost about 5 pounds in the last 6 weeks. I would like to cut my sugar category down a little bit and add that percentage into proteins.
I feel as teachers we need to set examples for our students and show them healthy eating habits. If we are drinking pop throughout the whole day, they will see that as an okay habit to have. We also need to make healthier lunch choices and also promote eating a good, filling breakfast before coming to school. I feel that children struggle the most when it comes to snacking. For me, when I’m board, I just want to snack and have something to much on and it usually isn't healthy. I think it would help children if they healthy snack options at home instead of food full of sugar and