Refreshments, likewise called as beverages, are fluids particularly arranged for human utilization. As indicated by TARUC (Tunku Abdul Rahman University College) neighborliness administration courses, we as an understudy of examining inn administration courses had separated into gatherings and keeping in mind the end goal to pick a title in a drinks rundown which given by my teacher Ms. Chan Siew Choo, to examine and finish a task. After a week of researching, I have decided to choose Kahlua for my food and management assignment title. I chose to study Kahlua because I have interest in foreign beverage. Besides that, my lecturer Ms. Chan Siew Choo also helped me a lot by leading and teaching me attentively, after discussion with my lecturer, I had a general idea, which is to understand the assignment’s …show more content…
In the late 40’s the invention of the Black Russian came about and in the 50’s Kahlua decided to create historical advertisements in order to attract more customers. In 1955, The White Russian was born and it was attracting even more customers. In the 60’s, the Kahlua ladies became a media sensation. Kahlua received a different kind of attention, not from the advertisements but rather the all-female leadership. Evidently in the 60’s it was quite unique (The Kahlúa, 2011).
Then in the 70’s, came the B52. One of Kahlua’s signature drinks. The B52 has been loved by a shedload of partygoers. In the 80’s, Kahlua became the number one selling coffee liqueur in the world and in the 90’s Kahlua steps on the red carpet, the drinks were used to decorate movie scenes, and was also featured in plenty of movies, series and also songs (The Kahlúa, 2011).
Finally, today, Kahlua is not just a regular coffee liqueur brand, it is a brand with a pretty random but exciting history and that is because they keep creating and developing new methods (The Kahlúa,